Welcome, New Raiders!!!
Camp is on week days only, not on the weekends!!
Location: Shawnee Mission South High School
*Session I --- New Marchers, Leaders, Percussion
May 30-31, 7:30-11am and 12:30 to 3pm
Session II --- Everyone* (1st & 5th Hours)
July 25-26 7:30-11am and 12:30 to 3pm
*First Hour Percussion will meet 7am-3pm
Session III (First Hour ONLY)
July 29 - Aug 2, 7:30-11am and 12:30-3pm
Attending band camp is essential for individual and group success. Get these dates on your family calendar right away so you can be a part of this great South tradition. Parents - please come to the Parents Meeting the evening of May 26 to find out what you can do to support your student and what to expect from the band program.
During New Marchers' Camp, students learn how to march the fundamental style of the award winning Rompin' Stompin' Raider Band, rehearse and memorize our traditional pregame and stand music, and grow from working with our highly
experienced adult staff and our one-of-a-kind student leadership corps. These Junior and Senior Raider band members are looking forward to welcoming you to the band. They know that the way to a successful year is to give you part of the ownership of this band from day one. It is hard to explain but even though we work very hard and learn tons of information, the students always have a great time at camp. Time after time I hear that Band Camp is one of our band members' favorite times of year. We are looking forward to having you join us!
What Band Class to enroll in:
Most of you will sign up for 5th Hour Freshman Band. This band is a full year course. These students attend both sessions of New Marchers' Camp (see dates and times at the top of this page). Once school starts, the class focuses on marching music and techniques. The band performs along with the 1st hour band in the pregame show at all home football plus the Overland Park Parade. Starting in October, we begin rehearsing as a concert band for most rehearsals and by November, we are exclusively an indoor band that prepares a series of concerts throughout the school year. This band rehearses from 7- 7:30 AM most Wednesdays with the 1st hour band through marching season.
An ambitious option:
If you are really dedicated, are fairly advanced on your instrument, and want to take on a challenge, you might consider marching with the first hour competition band. This band is primarily 10-12 graders but every year a select group of freshman are invited to join. To be in this group, you would do New Marchers' Camp with the other freshmen then continue through the 1st Hour Band Camp which goes until Aug. 5th. You would be in 1st hour instead of 5th hour band. This group performs at all home games, three or four marching festival/contests, and the Overland Park Parade. The group rehearses every morning from 7AM to 8:30AM plus Monday evening, 7-8:30PM. Yes, it is an intense schedule but the benefits are amazing. This incredible group is the definition of team work, dedication, and the pursuit of quality. It also considers itself the happiest band around! If you sign up for 5th hour, this is the group you would go into during your sophomore year and beyond.
If you want to join the first hour competition band, Mr. Adams will come to Indian Woods to listen to you. Be prepared to play a piece of your choice to show off your skill and musicality. We may also work on some basic marching skills. This will be a quick and painless audition. I am most interested in brass and sideline percussion but I will listen to anyone interested.
No worries, I you prefer not to play in 1st hour band or you are not selected, it has no effect on your future in the band program. You have the same opportunities for future leadership roles and band placements as anyone else in the program. Many of our section leaders and drum majors started out in 5th hour Freshman Band.
Anyone who will be marching with the group for the first time. Student leaders, under the direction of the
Field Captain, will teach basics of South's marching style. Staff will run music rehearsals. All percussionists will attend. Any freshmen in 1st hour or new upper-classmen will be expected to attend Session II and III.
ALL members of the South band program will attend and learn Pre-game.
All members that are 10, 11, or 12 graders need to attend as well as 9th graders who earned a spot in 1st hour, through
audition. Rehearsals will focus on building individual skills, perfecting the new music, and learning the contest show. Basic marching skills will be reviewed. Our goal is to completely learn the Pre-Game show and get well into the contest show.
Uniforms will be issued at Band Camp. In order to receive a uniform,
each student must have the following:
* Band Uniform Contract - Available online and in the Band Aid
* Band Student Dues - $75 - payable to "SMS Band"
* Band Booster Club Dues - $30 per family - payable to "SMS
Band Boosters"
* $25 Check for black marching shoes, if needed, made out
to "SMS Band" Please use the "DUES and SHOES" Form from the back of the Band
Aid, or print it from the Forms page and paperclip your checks to it. This
will be turned in to the Uniform Ladies at Band Camp. Thank you!
Also due at Band Camp: FALL FORMS - Available in July on the "Parent Boosters" page
Work is not an excuse from any scheduled band practice or performance. School sports and activity conflicts will be worked out to the students benefit between Mr. Adams and your coach/sponsor. Very few activities interfere with camp. If you must miss any part of camp, inform Mr. Adams verbally, by email through this website, and with a parent-signed note (so
Mr. Adams wont forget). If you have a trip or other major conflict, you will be aided by the Junior Drum Major and your section leader so that you can catch up on what you have missed. It is your responsibility to catch up. The group depends on the work of its individuals.
Always have your music, pencil, and instrument. First hour also needs a sturdy 3 ring binder with about 30 page protectors. Wear comfortable clothes (no sandals on the marching field-wear tennis shoes. This is a requirement!) It will probably be hot! We highly recommend that you bring a thermos of ice water, sun glasses, a cap, and sunscreen. When outside, we
will take regular breaks for rest and water. Water is a much better choice than sports drinks. Soft drinks and energy drinks are just plain bad for hot outdoor work. Don't drink them.
During the lunch break, most members go to the many nearby fast food restaurants or home. Those of you who can't drive and dont want to go home for lunch will find upperclassmen and especially section leaders very helpful in the ride department. Drivers: make sure all laws regarding how many people can be in your car are followed. Use lunch as a time to create new friendships and renew old ones.